27 apr. 2018

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Ukrainian Electrical Goods Manufacturers Debuted at the Largest Fair in Guangzhou, China

As part of the persistent support of Ukrainian manufacturers and promotion of the Ukrainian products at the world market, the Ukrainian Association of Electrical Goods Manufacturers together with Western NIS Enterprise Fund wheeled out home production at the international exhibition – China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), which was held April 15-19, 2018 in Guangzhou, China. The stand featured 20 types of Ukrainian products.

Four Ukrainian companies represented our state at this highly reputed global Fair:

  • Holding “Saturn” (Kyiv), represented by LLC „Kupava” and LLC „KTD Groups Company” – high-quality household appliances with a wide range of use: refrigerators, washing machines, various kitchen appliances (electric kettles, mixers, meat grinders, dryers, electric stoves and others), climatic equipment.
  • LLC „Promelektro-Kharkiv” (Kharkiv) (TM „Vodoliy”) – various household and industrial pumps and electric motors.
  • LLC “Kraft Pipe” (Kyiv region) – polypropylene pipes and fittings for heating and water supply.
  • PJSC „Mayak” (Vinnytsya) (TM „Termiya”) – electric heating equipment of a wide range (convectors, thermal curtains, electric boilers, oil radiators, infra-red radiators and others).

The results of the Canton Fair add optimism regarding the well-chosen agenda of the Association’s activities and empower the development of Ukrainian production. The reports of the Fair’s showcase about 130 business meetings with potential foreign partners and the participants’ total sales for the next 2 years should increase by more than $2 million.

„The Ukrainian Association of Electrical Goods Manufacturers is pleased with the output of our participation in one of the world’s largest Fairs. It should be noted that the result of this event is not limited only to the received production orders for the Ukrainian enterprises. We believe that such fairs create a positive image of Ukraine, which is extremely important for our nation. The fact that Ukraine can boast with contemporary high-quality production was a real surprise for many visitors. The organizers of the Fair have honored us with the Best Market Pioneer Award. It is very pleasant that our fruitful cooperation was highlighted by the management of Canton Fair. Special thanks go to the Western NIS Enterprise Fund for the support provided and really warm partner relations. We are happy to share this success with our partners. The Association will move on and will soon prepare some new interesting projects that our Ukrainian manufacturers can join”, emphasized Oleh Ivanenko, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Association of Electrical Goods Manufacturers.

„We are pleased to support Ukraine’s participation in the China Import and Export Fair 2018. This event allowed the Ukrainian manufacturers of high-quality electrical goods to establish new business contacts, get new export orders, expand production, and create new jobs in Ukraine. The Ukrainian stand at the China Import and Export Fair 2018 is a good example of how small and medium-sized enterprises can unite to succeed in finding business partners abroad and entering new markets,” noted Jaroslawa Johnson, President and CEO of the Western NIS Enterprise Fund.

Canton Fair is one of the largest exhibitions not only in China but also around the globe. The Fair is regular and is held twice a year in April-May and in October-November. The current session of the exhibition was 123rd in a row. Each session of the exhibition splits into 3 phases by product type. The delegation of the Ukrainian Association of Electrical Goods Manufacturers took part in the first phase of the exhibition from April 15 to 19, introducing the following industries: home electronics and electrical appliances, mechanical engineering, building materials, and others.

The Western NIS Enterprise Fund cooperates with industry associations and chambers of commerce and industry to increase the share of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises in international trade, to stimulate and support structures, projects and initiatives that help many exporters develop, become successful and self-sufficient, and learn how to assist exporters in a better way. Small and medium-sized enterprises were mainly focused on the domestic market or supplied products to the traditional export markets of near-abroad. And although such enterprises today increase their efforts to expand their business by exporting to new markets, for many of them it is still a challenge.

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