15 aug. 2016

2 min

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Western NIS Enterprise Fund Supports Mykolaiv Development Agency

On Friday, August 12th, 2016 Western NIS Enterprise Fund and Mykolaiv Development Agency signed a cooperation agreement.

The Agreement provides for implementation of the four projects, which will be performed by the Mykolaiv Development Agency team with the assistance of external experts and the support of Western NIS Enterprise Fund in the following areas: 1) the investment attractiveness of Mykolaiv; 2) urban planning; 3) cooperation with civil society, and 4) creating a public space for the city residents.

The following projects will be implemented with the Fund’s support:

  • developing analytical materials for the potential investors of the city;
  • holding a competition for the reconstruction of the city center, particularly Soborna Street and Soborna Square;
  • creating a resource center, which will help establish active cooperation with NGOs of the city to jointly address critical community issues, and
  • developing the concept of creative space in Mykolaiv as a center of intellectual, cultural and social exchange between the city residents.

According to Ms. Jaroslawa Johnson, President and CEO of Western NIS Enterprise Fund, supporting initiatives at the city level is an important factor of the effective decentralization: „It’s about high-quality public services, effective dialogue between the local authorities and the community as a change agent, the study of best practices not only from abroad, but also from other cities of Ukraine which have already achieved considerable success in specific areas. Mykolaiv is a city with great economic potential. And if we use the available human and financial resources efficiently, we will see more jobs and improved living standards of the city residents”.

„Signing of the Agreement is a landmark event for the development of not only our city, but Ukraine in general. This is a proof of concrete actions aimed at the development of the city and unleashing its potential, which will impact not only its residents, but also the country as a whole. I am grateful to the Fund for its contribution to raising the living standards of our residents and to Mykolaiv Development Agency for fruitful work in attracting the best practices that allows to implement projects of such level,” said Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Senkevych.

Director of Mykolaiv Development Agency Vasyl Goshovsky added that these projects are only the beginning of the implementation of the city development strategy: „This first stage should lay the foundation for further development of Mykolaiv, as provided in the city development strategy. We understand that to move on effectively we need support of civil society, which should realize its responsibility and correctly perceive our initiatives. That is why the first stage of the projects is mostly focused on the public sector. This should prepare the community for the transformations we plan – make it more transparent and willing to change for the better. After this stage, the community will encourage us to make improvements in other areas. The development of our city depends on us.”

Support of Mykolaiv Development Agency is an example of synergy of the projects within the framework of the Local Economic Development Program, according to WNISEF Program Manager Iryna Ozymok. „Oleksandr Senkevych was a participant of the School of Mayors, a second enrollment of which is currently being supported by the Fund. The founders of CANactions School of Urban Studies, another project supported by Western NIS Enterprise Fund, will be engaged in the reconstruction of the downtown area. Thus, partnerships at the local level are being built, which later on will contribute to the sustainability of project results and building a network of change agents in the country.”

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