25 iun. 2019

2 min

Program De Dezvoltare Economică Locală

WNISEF and CANactions School choose the winners of the DREAMactions 3.0 Small Grants Competition

From the 1st of April to the 31st of May 2019, amalgamated territorial communities from 23 regions of Ukraine submitted 182 applications to the DREAMactions 3.0 Small Grants Competition. Among those 182 applications, 65 are from the rural communities, 56 are from the settlement and 59 are from the urban communities. WNISEF and CANactions School, the organizers of the competition, chose the winners.

The purpose of the competition is to support amalgamated communities in their aims of implementing urban projects in various spheres to improve the quality of life. The competition provides five grants up to UAH100,000 each.


The competition winners are:

„Shatsk expedition” (Shatsk settlement amalgamated territorial community, Volyn region), rethinking the policy of the community natural resources usage through the new approach to the creation of the ecological zones design. The project aim will be reached thanks to the organized „expedition” of the chosen recreational route around Shatsk lakes (near the village of Hayivka).

 „Center for the Study of Foreign Languages” (Komishansk amalgamated territorial community, Sumy region). Creation of a foreign language learning center equipped with all the necessary state-of-the-art utensils. The project aim is to limit the community brain-drain among the youth.

„Alternative store – social Profit-room” (Terebovlya urban amalgamated territorial community, Ternopil region). Initiation of a new entrepreneurship incubator in the Terebovlya community. The incubator is aimed to grow communication skills and to enhance the social adaptation of people living in problematic living conditions. The store will unite families of the various social-economics status.

 „Fabrication of a children playground” (Baranivska urban amalgamated territorial community, Zhytomyr region). Design of a multi-functional versatile children playground as the part of the brand-new rehabilitation center. The playground will be used for children with disabilities.


The winners will receive:

  • financing within the defined budget;
  • advisory support;
  • promotion of the project implementation among the organizers’ media partners.


According to the fact that a significant number of applications (24 projects) was devoted to the issues of waste management in amalgamated communities, the organizers decided to carry out a thematic workshop for all the applied projects coordinators. The workshop is aimed to raise and solve the sorting, processing and utilization of solid household waste issues.


The presentation of the winner projects implementation results will take place in November 2019.


Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the competition participants!


DREAMactions 3.0 small grants competition is organized by CANactions School and Western NIS Enterprise Fund that supports initiatives to promote reforms in Ukraine and transformational projects.

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