Vasyl Nazaruk photo

Vasyl Nazaruk

Vasyl Nazaruk photo
Impact Investing Program Director

Vasyl is leading the Fund’s Impact Investing Program, which aims to enable entrepreneurs and businesses to solve social and environmental problems in Ukraine, as well as promote social entrepreneurship in the country. As part of this program, Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund implements a low-interest loan program for social enterprises (in cooperation with Oshchadbank and Kredobank), a nationwide study of social entrepreneurship, training courses in social entrepreneurship and other projects.

Vasyl holds a master’s degree in ecology from Kyiv Mohyla Academy, where he teached courses “Social Design”, and “Social Entrepreneurship” and “Volunteering Management” at the School of Social Work. Since 1998, he has conducted trainings on management of non-profit organizations and social enterpreneurship. Vasyl is the author and co-author of many books on volunteering and the management of non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurship.

Previously, Vasyl headed the All-Ukrainian Resource Center for Development of Entrepreneurship “Social Initiatives”, which trains entrepreneurs and builds a network of organizations interested in the development of social entrepreneurship. Before that he was the Head of the charitable organization Center for Volunteering “Dobra Volya”. Also, Vasyl worked in the insurance and marketing industries.

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