03 Nov 2016

3 min

Press Releases

Ukrainian Leadership Academy opened in Mykolaiv

An informal program for the future leaders “Ukrainian Leadership Academy” has been recently launched in Mykolaiv.

Mykolaiv is the first city in southern Ukraine to officially meet a branch of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy (ULA), a program of personal and social development, which core element is a 10-month formational course for the most talented secondary school graduates. This course is built on combining elements of physical, emotional and intellectual development, based on values. This year 38 teenagers from all over Ukraine will study and work in Mykolaiv.

Ukraine has chosen its way of development, but such a new way requires people of a new quality, committed to values. Bringing up a new generation of Ukrainians is time-taking; therefore we should start working with the youth straight away. This year five leadership academies are opened in Ukraine with the support of Western NIS Enterprise Fund. It is a new approach to studying and self-organization, which instills in young people a desire to learn, fosters popularity of knowledge and values. Students get grants to study at the Academy; they live in the campus, study, do sport, travel throughout Ukraine and contribute to volunteering.

Mykolaiv was elected as one of four cities (together with Poltava, Lviv, Odesa and Kharkiv), where the Academy was opened this year. Last year the first ULA was launched in Kyiv, where first 39 students got their diplomas in June 2016. This year more than 200 talented school graduates study at five Academies.

Jaroslawa Z. Johnson, President and CEO of Western NIS Enterprise Fund: “Mykolaiv is a city, that is now looking for its new identity. There are a lot of cultural, scientific and educational opportunities here. The city has to reach its full potential. I believe that the wise and creative assistance, the unleashed energy of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy will be outstanding and prominent on this way.”

To become a student of the Academy, thousands of applicants from all Ukrainian regions and Crimea went through a hard competition. Tuition is free of charge, with only a nominal admission fee of UAH 2,000. Remaining student costs (for accommodation, educational program, study trips, dining services, healthcare, implementation of social projects at local and national levels) are covered by the Western NIS Enterprise Fund grant.

Initiative group of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy ideological inspirers comprises of outstanding and talented Ukrainians, Yaroslav Hrytsak, Vladyslav Troitskyi, Ivan Malkovych, Vitalii Sych, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, Victor Zotov, Valentyna Zotova, Oksana Semeniuk, Andrii Zelinskyi, Borys Gudziak, Natalia Popovych, Yaroslav Rushchyshyn, Lenna Koszarny, Jaroslawa Johnson among them.

The aim of the Academy is to unite young people with high potential for leadership and provide them with the best training and tools for self-development. While studying, students discover a deep understanding of national identity, find their will to benefit their country and people, learn about the state-building experience of the developed foreign countries. They reveal their skills and talents and pick up the sphere, good for further work and progress, which is essential for them to become responsible leaders.

Roman Tychkivskyy, Head of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy: “We’re delighted to officially open the Ukrainian Leadership Academy in Mykolaiv, the first Academy in the South of Ukraine. To be in Mykolaiv today, we reached more than 180 schools in Ukraine, we interviewed about 10,000 young Ukrainians across the country and found that here we deal with a new generation, that is ready to be in charge. New generation, who fears nothing and sees clearly that you can’t just shift the responsibility to someone else. If someone craves for improvement, change, happiness, pride – it’s in his hands, but first, you should think big and work hard. Now we all got to be patient and show even greater commitment to say in 15-20 years from now on, that the Ukrainians are the ones who put responsibility for the country on their own shoulders and revive it again with exhaustless energy.”

The Ukrainian Leadership Academy course comprises sports, intellectual and practical studies. Students of the Academy study six days a week, one of which is dedicated to volunteering. The area of their voluntary work is chosen according to the needs of a city or town, where a branch is located. In particular, ULA-Mykolaiv students have already contributed to the public improvement of parks and participated in making the garnish nets. The program also offers numerous study trips within Mykolaiv region and other southern regions, traveling to various cities of Ukraine and study visits abroad. In addition, participants develop and implement their own projects aimed to benefit the local community.

Olexandr Senkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv: “I always thought that the most important thing is to invest in human potential. Ukrainian Leadership Academy – is a perfect tool for changing people’s mind, which will make us think “If my country thrives, I will thrive too.” I hope you will bring up this faith and expand it further on”.

Participants were chosen among 7,000 applicants from all Ukrainian regions and Crimea. During this competition, candidates were unaware, which of the five Academies they will study at.

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