26 Jun 2018
1 min
Innovation, Education, and Entrepreneurship
Western NIS Enterprise Fund Awarded Six More Scholarships to Ukrainians to Study at Top U.S. Universities

Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) has awarded six talented Ukrainians with grants to study at top U.S. universities within SEED Grant program. The SEED Grant program was launched by WNISEF in 2015 and provides Ukrainians and Moldovans with scholarships covering up to 100% of tuition for MBA, MPA and LLM studies at top U.S. universities.
Among the 2018 recipients, three students will pursue MBA programs, two students will enroll in LL.M and one in MPA programs. They will attend the best universities in the U.S., including Harvard Business School, Berkeley Haas School of Business, Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
“We are pleased to continue supporting young Ukrainian professionals striving for personal growth. Ukraine will benefit greatly from well-trained professional talent, ready to lead and provide financial and legal advice to growing companies and government. We believe that our SEED Grant scholars, whether they work in the private or public sector, will not only increase the pool of skilled professionals able to implement best global practices but also will become much-needed agents of change who will guide Ukraine to prosperity in the coming years.” said Jaroslawa Z. Johnson, President and CEO of the Western NIS Enterprise Fund.
This is the fourth SEED Grant enrollment. In total WNISEF has provided 41 SEED grants since the launch of the program. Two cohorts of Ukrainians and Moldovans have already returned to their home countries and started to work in top private and public companies. All scholarship recipients are required to return to Ukraine and Moldova upon completion of their studies and work in their home countries for three years applying their knowledge and skills toward the countries’ economic development.