20 Jun 2024
2 min
Direct Investment and SME Development
The Foundation for Support of Reforms and Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund Provide Microgrants for SMEs in Ukraine
The Foundation for Support of Reforms in partnership with the Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund announces the call for applications within a new project for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine – “Microgrants for Big Ideas: Export”. Grants of up to $5,000 each will be provided to 20 Ukrainian SMEs to facilitate their export capacity.
Microgrants for Big Ideas: Export aims to provide sub-grants to Ukrainian SMEs to partially cover the costs of participating in exhibitions, trade missions, study trips to EU countries, export consultations, product certification and intellectual property registration abroad.
Jaroslawa Johnson, President and CEO of UMAEF, noted: “We are delighted to announce the launch of a new project aimed to improve the export potential of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises. With grants of up to $5,000, we will facilitate the participation of Ukrainian companies in international fairs, exhibitions, and training programs, which will significantly increase their opportunities in the global market. Our goal is to help Ukrainian businesses expand their horizons and successfully integrate into the global economy.”
$100,000 in total for 20 Ukrainian SMEs!
How it works:
- Choose an activity that will contribute to your business’s export capability (see the list below);
- Check your company against the SME eligibility criteria (listed below);
- Download, review and complete the budget;
- Fill out the project application: 39 questions (13 – short answers, 8 – detailed answers, 16 – select the desired option, 2 – upload files)
- Attend the Q&A session and get answers to all your questions (July 1, online);
- Wait for the selection results;
- Receive up to 50% reimbursement of your expenses (keep in mind that the grant amount cannot exceed $5000).
Eligibility criteria for SMEs:
– The company is a registered business entity compliant with the current legislation of Ukraine;
– The company has up to 250 employees and annual revenue of up to $15 million;
– The ultimate beneficial owners of the company are citizens of Ukraine;
– The company is not located and does not operate in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;
– The company does not operate in the Russian Federation and/or Belarus;
– The company is not in the process of liquidation or bankruptcy and has no tax debts.
Eligible industries
- Agriculture and food;
- Consumer goods;
- Cultural and creative industries;
- Mechanical engineering;
- Furniture production.
What do you need to apply?
To participate in the project, you must fill out a project application in Google Form, as well as a budget form with a description of costs and a financing plan, where up to 50% of the costs should be covered by the SME’s own funds. The budget must be uploaded as a file to the appropriate section of the project application.
You can download the budget template here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PLC-q7TXXg6DyfHwNdc3Omp3GuQMq1pj/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118370193717368745419&rtpof=true&sd=true
The project application is here: https://forms.gle/tMfDuiyDyXXYhkmw9
Submission deadline: July 31 inclusive.
The project “Microgrants for Big Ideas: Export” is being implemented by the NGO “Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine” backed by the Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund (formerly Western NIS Enterprise Fund) to promote the export potential of Ukrainian SMEs.