16 Jan 2024

2 min

Press Releases

Ukraine House Davos 2024 Opens Its Doors!

Ukraine House opened its doors today with a stirring speech from Executive Director Ulyana Khromyak in which she spoke powerfully about the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people, urging a packed audience to remember that investing in Ukraine was an “investment in a more stable, secure and thriving world for all of us.”

This was followed by two fascinating panels looking at how Ukraine and its global network of allies were working together to secure the country’s future despite the many challenges to continued funding of the war effort – the ‘View From Washington’ followed by ‘Galvanizing International Support: Now and Post-Victory.’

At the first panel, we were honored to hear insights from speakers Ambassador Oksana Markarova (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States), Senator Rob Portman, Daniel F. Runde (Vice President CSIS), and Nataliya Bugayova (Institute for the Study of War).

The panel, moderated by Ukraine House organizing committee member Jaroslawa Johnson, did not shy away from tackling the divided views felt by sections of the US political establishment, but as Ambassador Markarova stressed at the outset, “I can tell you that the American people understand this fight and they support it.”

The second panel, with speakers Penny Pritzker (U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery) and Pierre Heilbronn and moderated by Runde, was equally emphatic with Secretary Pritzker notably calling on governments around the globe to “hold ourselves accountable to the commitments we have made to Ukraine”. Special Envoy Heilbronn praised Ukraine’s potential, remarking that it was not found “in many continents, this dynamism, this entrepreneurship,” which he said was globally vital.
Ukraine House Davos is organized by Western NIS Enterprise Fund, Victor Pinchuk Foundation, and Horizon Capital and led by Executive Director Ulyana Khromyak.

The Ukraine House Davos Organizing Committee is comprised of: Jaroslawa Johnson, President and CEO, Western NIS Enterprise Fund; Svitlana Grytsenko, Member of the Board, Victor Pinchuk Foundation; and Lenna Koszarny, Founding Partner and CEO, Horizon Capital.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore, connect and shape a brighter global future together.

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